Love is the only gold.
My day, while seemingly uneventful, included holiday travel planning (hey-o who's road tripping to Canada in a couple weeks, and then headed for Brazil), mala making, lists upon lists (and checking them twice), decorating, meditation + so much love.
The prompt for Day 2 of #12DaysofDarling was, you guessed it, gold or silver! I constantly want to guild the whole world, so the holidays are an excuse for me to wrap my life up in gold.
It's certainly the season for glitz + glamour, and I'm the first to admit, it can be so easy to get caught up in the pageantry of it all. However, we must not lose sight of what is truly important. We should remember, always, that love is the very core of everything. Love is all there is.
Allow your open heart to be a guiding force during this, and every season.
I'm making a conscious effort to make this holiday a mindful one, and I hope you will join me.
Peace + love,