**Just a reminder, I am not a certified yoga teacher. While I practice yoga on a daily basis, I am not an expert. This project is purely based on my own practice, and the things that work for me and my own body. Remember to practice in a way that is safe and makes you feel good, ok?**
Hey friends. In an effort to create + move + live + explore the things that I love more, I'm trying something new today. Just for fun. Welcome to my new project, Asana + A Song.
Today I have for you, my favourite hip opener, Pigeon Pose / Eka Pada Rajakapotasana + This Thing About You by Miracle Fortress.
To start, (HIT PLAY FIRST) stand in Mountain Pose / Tadasana and prepare your ears for musical goodness.
Make your way into downward dog, and pedal out your legs to loosen up.
Bring your right (or left, depending on the side) knee to your right (or left) elbow, and place your shin parallel to the top of your mat (or on a diagonal if you have tight hips and need to modify). Make sure that your foot is flexed to prevent injury and protect your knee. Lower yourself down slowly.
Fold forward and begin to melt your heart to the mat. Settle in and surrender. Or come up onto spidered fingertips, pull your shoulders back and down away from your ears. Bring your chest forward and open your heart.
Want to go deeper? Try One-Legged King Pigeon Pose!
Pigeon is one of my favourite poses to practice. It gets deep into the hip muscles, where we tend to store a lot of tension. The result is a great hip opener and a really yummy stretch. I like to hang out here for minutes at a time and just let it all go. Pigeon was the perfect pose to practice while listening to "This Thing About You", because well, there is just that thing about pigeon... Together, the asana + the song created an ideal space to surrender; to bask in.
The track is full of life + love + summer + sweetness. Plus, it makes me feel nostalgic (in the best way), and reminds me of being 19 + being able to actually go to shows + adventures in the big city (YYZ) + summertime + change + so much love. Exactly what I needed to pull me out of my afternoon slump.
Everyone that I know, is telling me to try to take things slow. But even things that are wrong about you, they make my will too strong to doubt you. A metaphor for my practice perhaps? It's imperfect, but constantly evolving + improving. And every teacher ever has told me to take things slow. It's a journey not a race.
This was fun! It was super nice to hit my mat after all the work work working I've been doing. Creating balance, making space, and making time for the things that matter to me.
Until next time - peace + love,